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Basic Research Course

Research in Media Creation Ⅰ

In order to further develop the research skills from their master’s research, students will develop the ability to independently carry out activities from a research perspective based on their own themes with an interdisciplinary and international perspective, as well as understand research methods for high-quality media creation. In addition, students will come to understand the procedures required to write a research paper and acquire methods for writing a research paper, including searching for literature, collecting research examples, setting and testing hypotheses, and discussion methods. In addition, faculty members will offer courses covering a wide range of interconnected disciplines taught in an omnibus format, aiming to provide a variety of case studies.

Course Plan / Overview

1st Class: Guidance and research ethics (Masayuki Akamatsu)
Confirm the educational program and research schedule of the doctoral program. Additionally, you will come to understand the necessary compliance procedures to continue with your research, research ethics, and the basic rules of conduct.

2nd class: Aims of media creation (Nobuya Suzuki)
To get a clearer picture of media creation research based on your themes, we will cover the essence of research, namely questions, cross-disciplinary studies and its reorganization.

3rd – 5th class: General view of media creation research and theorization (Miki Okubo, Koji Yamada)
This class will be conducted in a correlative process between creation research and theoretical research, including the setting of hypotheses concerning media expression and the verification of creation methods based on specific practices. Students will consolidate their general views and discuss their expressions supported by theory.

6th – 8th Class: General view of research and analysis methods (Masami Hirabayashi, Shigeru Matsui)
To concretely envision the research process required in a doctoral course, we will be considering with what processes you should advance your research once you have an understanding of the set theme, the set hypothesis, past examples and examination of literature, practice, analysis methods and evaluation methods.

9th to 15th Class: Covers a variety of topics such as cross-disciplinary topics in relation to media creation. Each instructor will show a variety of their research examples and think carefully over media creation research.
Class 9: What is cross-disciplinary with respect to media creation? (1) Media art (Ryota Kuwakubo, Masayuki Akamatsu)
Class 10: What is cross-disciplinary with respect to media creation? (2) Innovation management (Shigeru Kobayashi, Kensuke Tobitani)
Class 11: What is cross-disciplinary with respect to media creation? (3) Interaction design (Nobuya Suzuki, Kyo Akabane)
Class 12: What is cross-disciplinary with respect to media creation? (4) Communication systems (Takahiro Kobayashi, Masami Hirabayashi)
Class 13: What is cross-disciplinary with respect to media creation? (5) Imaging media (Shinjiro Maeda, Mika Kan)
Class 14: What is cross-disciplinary with respect to media creation? (6) Media communication (Tomoko Kanayama, Koji Yamada)
Class 15: What is cross-disciplinary with respect to media creation? (7) Art theory (Shigeru Matsui, Miki Okubo)

Textbooks / Reference Materials

Materials needed for this class will be introduced as needed.

Basic Research Course Research in Media Creation Ⅱ