Research Center for Industrial Culture


Annual Report 2022

In the 2022 fiscal year the movement restrictions to counter the spread of Covid-19 were eased, and it is positioned as the year that projects and events began to be re-held in person at full-scale. The three “regional / industry-university-government collaboration activities, cultural activities, PR / information archive activities” events, workshops, and exhibitions that visitors and participants expected were organized in person by the Research Center for Industrial Culture (RCIC).
As for the “regional / industry-university-government collaboration activities” we collaborated with the Gifu-Kakamigahara Air and Space Museum in endeavoring on how to design the learning environment for the workshop, and we also collaborated with Ogaki-shi to plan and hold the “IAMAS Kodomo Daigaku”.
As for the “cultural activities” the “Ogaki Mini Maker Faire 2022” which is held every other year was hosted. Alongside this, the Open House and the meeting for the presentation of completed research where IAMAS is responsible for hosting was held. The contents of those events are made publicly available via the research report, and graduate exhibition catalog, etc.
As for “PR / information archiving activities”, in addition to the creation of Web and published materials, we held exhibitions at the Open House, Ogaki-shi city hall, etc. with PR posters and images.
From the next fiscal year onwards, whilst pouring even more energy into collaborative research and regional collaborations originating from the research results of our university, we want to search for further ways to create exhibition-like PR displays.