- 2020年10月09日(金)
IAMAS 事務局よりご連絡します。
- 2016年より本学メールサービスはYahoo!JAPANのAcademic EditionからGoogleのG Suiteに移行いたしました。もしiamasメールの移行が済んでいない方はこちら
- 移行が済んでいるがiamasメールのパスワードを忘れた方はIAMAS事務局(TEL : 0584-75-6600)にて本人確認を完了し次第、再発行いたします。
- お問い合わせはこちら
To all users of the web area of www.iamas.ac.jp
The IAMAS secretariat will contact you.
The IAMAS account provided the personal web area (www.iamas.ac.jp/~account name/) to all OBs and OGs of the university.
We have already contacted you, but when we update the school system in December 2nd year of Reiwa, we will stop providing the web area except for active faculty and staff after the update.
Therefore, we will stop browsing the web area on October 31, 2nd year of Reiwa, so please take measures such as moving the necessary data in the web area by November 30th.
Please note that access will not be possible due to the migration to the server of the new system in early December.
We apologize for the inconvenience, and thank you for your understanding.
For inquiries regarding this matter, please use the inquiry form below.
Thank you for using it for a long time.
About the Revival of iamas Mail
- As of 2016, the University’s email service has been migrated from Yahoo! Japan’s Academic Edition to Google’s G Suite. If you have not yet migrated to iamas email, please click here.
- If you have already transferred to G suite, but have forgotten your iamas email password, please contact the IAMAS office (TEL: 0584-75-6600) to have it reissued as soon as your identity is verified.
About the Revival iamas account? Contact us.